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From Pain To Lube: The Truth About Anal Sex

by Cliche Wynter ,
From Pain To Lube: The Truth About Anal Sex© Google

In today's society, anal intercourse has somehow managed to remain a taboo topic. How's that for irony? Never one to shy away from from all the gory details that come with sex, we're daring to go there. We're about to delve into the mysterious world of anal sex so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride *wink emoji*.

Anal sex isn't exactly the thing you talk about over brunch, or ever, really. It's one of those quiet as kept secrets you like to keep confined to your bedroom. Because seriously, how DO you casually mention butt sex to your friends? Awkward.

Here's a newsflash for you: refusing to broach the subject doesn't mean it's any less of a reality. In fact, sometimes your silence can actually cause ignorance, and the inability to recognise when you (or they) have the facts all wrong.

So pony up, we're going to give you the truth about anal sex.

Yeah, it hurts

If you're thinking of going full steam ahead, think again. Anal sex is something you actually have to ease into. Go slowly, ever so slowly, at first. You can build up the speed as you get more into it.

Lube is an absolute must

Well duh! If you want to make the experience even remotely satisfying, you have to go in properly lubricated. It's the only safe way in. Lube for him and lube for you. Lube for everyone!

You could possibly rip your anus

Here's another reason why lubrication is necessary. If a penis is forced into your anus, it can cause it to rip. You don't want to wind up being that girl. That being said, go in prepared (see above).

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Size matters

Let's just say, if you're trying to squeeze a watermelon through a needle, it hurts more than trying to push a piece of thread through said needle. Catch our drift?

It's that one time you'll be happy your man's manhood isn't as large as you'd like. Yes to positive thinking!

His penis should NOT enter your vagina right after

THIS is very important. The anus is filled with bacteria that can be transferred to the vagina if he chooses to stick it in right after exiting your back door. This can cause painful vaginal and urinary tract infections. Who wants that trouble? No one!

You need to relax

Breath in, and breath out. The more relaxed your body is, the easier entry will be. Again, breath in, breath out. It's scary, we know. But if you put more focus on the impending pain, it'll make the entire experience even less enjoyable.

Doggy's not the answer

Most people who watch a lotta porn, imagine anal sex is always doggy, doggy and more doggy but that just ain't so. The best way to have anal is with you in control (duh!) so any variety of 'girl on top' should do the trick. Need inspiration? Check these.

It's super intense

As you've got to go through SO much prep', the reality is that you're gonna feel a hell of a lot more turned on when you do finally come down to it. See, s'not all bad.

Use a condom

You know, the typical protocol when engaging in risky sexual behavior. Get it on while being armed.

There's a possibility poop will make an appearance

Oh, poop! There's just no escaping you, is there? Yes, there is a possibility that poop will find its way onto his penis. See why that condom is so important? If you'd like to lessen the likelihood of that happening, you could take an enema beforehand. (Sexy right?)

There's also a chance you'll fart out his 'goods'

If you have ignored all our previous advice and gone in sans condom anyway, babe, his junk's got to come out somehow. Trust us, the moment you realise his cum is trickling outta your butt is one you'll certainly remember...

It can be pretty intimate

What requires more trust in a relationship than letting your partner stuff his junk up your arse? If this is something you both want to try, and take the time and care to build yourselves up to (AKA massages and butt plugs), it can take on a really intimate vibe.

You could have an amazing O

Well... you might. You might not. It's a risk you've got to take.

You might love it or you might hate it

At this point you might be wondering what all is trouble is really for. And the truth is, anal isn't a sport everyone will enjoy playing. Some women get turned on during anal intercourse and love it, while others cringe at the thought before, during and after.

​If you're not a fan, at least you can say you gave it a shot and can speak from experience. You've to love a gal that can speak from experience right?

What are your thoughts on anal sex? A no go? A massive turn on? A pain in the ass? Tweet us @sofeminineUK!

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Cliche Wynter
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