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10 Ways Your Mobile Is Getting In The Way Of Your Sex Life

by Vivian KELLY ,
10 Ways Your Mobile Is Getting In The Way Of Your Sex Life© www.storymixmedia.com/weddingmix

When it comes to love and affection, it's true smartphones do play an integral part in our relationships BUT what about when it comes to sex? Ladies, it's time we switched off those phones and truly enjoyed sex once and for all. Here are 10 ways your mobile is getting in the way of your orgasm...

Can't leave your messages unanswered for longer that five minutes? Tired of watching your man catch up on the sports highlights in bed? Your phone might be getting in the way of precious orgasm time ladies!

In fact, recent findings by Durham University found that although our smartphones help form and develop romantic relationships, they're also a MASSIVE burden, with couples delaying, hurrying and neglecting sex! The same study actually found that 40% answered their phones during sex. Eek!

No wonder our sex lives aren't up to par. Girls, it's time we faced reality. Here are some ways your smartphone could be ruining your sex life and your relationship and how to kick those habits STAT!

1. Instead of leaning over to kiss your beau first thing in the AM, you turn your phone on...

...leaving the potential for an explosive morning sex sesh Out. Of. The. Question.

Sexpert and founder of Jo Divine, Samantha Evans says, "We're all guilty of doing this. By the time you’ve checked your emails, texts, Facebook account, news and weather reports, it’s time to get up and ready for the day, leaving no time for great early morning sex".

Leave your phone off until you've left the house, that way you'll give your libido all the attention it wants.

2. Texts are misunderstood

Sure, phones can allow us to show love and affection in different ways but what about when things get mistaken and misunderstood? It happens more often than we realise! We interpret messages in so many different ways. The best type of communication? In the flesh.

3. Sex is rushed to reconnect...

Big no no. Whether it's you or your man who's desperate to reply to their messages or notifications, one of you is bound to feel rejected and upset. If you're getting intimate with your partner, give them everything you've got.

10 Ways Your Mobile Is Getting In The Way Of Your Orgasm© We Heart It

4. Text messages, emails and comments are an instant turn off.

"Looking at your phone can make you feel stressed or angry which isn’t the best way to start the day. Whereas having early morning sex will make you feel great and bursting with energy to carry you through, as well as giving you something to smile about.

"​You never know, there may be a repeat performance later that evening too!", says Samantha. Deprioritise your phone, your relationship comes first.

5. Answering the phone DURING sex.

Yep, it's true. Recent studies have found that people have indeed picked up the phone during sex. Good bye romance!

6. It can make you feel neglected and insecure. (Frustration doesn't even do it justice.)

The times when you slip something sexy on but he doesn't notice because he's too distracted on Candy Crush. The rage is real. [Insert argument here.]

7. Facebook stalking at 1AM.

Time to quit stalking our ex boyfriends and start living in the moment. Likewise for your man.

Samantha suggests implementing a “no gadgets after 10pm” rule. She says, "Unless you're texting a raunchy photo of yourself in sexy lingerie or he's downloaded something naughty on his laptop for you both to watch, turn off all your gadgets and spend time snuggling up in bed with your partner, talking and stroking each other.

Trust us. The Work stress will ease and so will that dry spell!

10 Ways Your Mobile Is Getting In The Way Of Your Orgasm© We Heart It/ @JoellyOwnsThis2

8. Cheating becomes all too easy...

Whether it's you or your man misbehaving, when it comes to our smartphones some people just can't seem to help themselves. Suddenly we don't like our phones anymore.

9. Communication sucks - you don't talk anymore.

Ever feel like you're two strangers in bed? Couples claim that their phones give them talking points, but in actual fact you're just neglecting the real life conversation you SHOULD be having. Speak up.

10. You watch funny cat compilations, he watches the sports highlights...

Ladies, there's only ONE thing that's acceptable when it comes to watching videos on your phone. That is, PORN.

A 2011 study found that couples who watched porn together had a higher level of sexual satisfaction. "Download some porn on your laptop or erotic novels onto your Kindle, play a sexy playlist on your iPod or invest in a good quality sex toy," says Samantha. Those are the only exceptions you're getting.

Want an amazing sex life? Here's how...


If you feel like your sex life has lost it spark, switch off your mobile when you're with your partner and download Durex Connect.

​Not only does the new app help protect our planet, it also helps you reconnect with your partner. Switch off your phone for at least one hour a day - you'll see a difference!

Will you be switching off your mobile? Tweet us @sofeminineUK!

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