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Creepy F*ckboys Are 'AirDropping' Women Unsolicited D*ck Pics On Public Transport

by Helen Turnbull ,
Creepy F*ckboys Are 'AirDropping' Women Unsolicited D*ck Pics On Public Transport

Chances are if you're a women who's ever had a presence on a dating app (or website pre-Tinder era), you've received or been threatened with receiving an unsolicited dick pic. The luxury of technology allows you to banish such f*ckboys to the proverbial trash can, removing their privilege of ever viewing your profile or contacting you again. But now they've found a loophole because of course they have...

WARNING: Contains graphic image

Well, times are a-changin' and it turns out we women are no longer safe from the beast that is unsolicited dick pics. No, no longer are pictures of men's genitals - in various states of arousal - restricted to the confines of dating apps and Snapchat. Now we apparently can't go about our daily commute without a penis being shoved In our face and I'm not talking about when a packed tube leaves you eye level with a stranger's crotch. No, men are using the AirDrop feature on their iPhones to send unsolicited dick pics to unassuming women, sometimes in their tens, on public transport.

Sophie Gallagher, a journalist based in London, was victimised in this very manner as she made her way home on the London Underground this week. Sophie shared evidence of the incident on Twitter like any self-respecting millennial should. She posted a screen grab of iPhone (3)'s attempt at visually harassing her with his pink, veiny penis, writing: "Someone just tried to AirDrop me 120 dick pics on the Victoria line and I am just about done with men."

Unfortunately, Sophie's experience isn't isolated. One women replied to her tweet, saying she'd had the exact same thing happen to her. "Would love to say that I'm shocked and surprised. But I'm not. Had to turn off AirDrop for same reason. Vile c*nts everywhere. Hope you're ok x," Twitter user @the_woozle wrote.

Women from across the pond are being similarly violated. New York-based Britta Carlson, 28, was on a train last month when a request from an unknown contact popped up on her smart phone. Regrettably, she hit accept not expecting to be faced with the horror of "a huge close-up picture of a disgusting penis". She told the New York Post: "It really felt like someone had actually just flashed me."

The file-sharing feature AirDrop allows strangers to send fellow strangers, who are within Bluetooth reach, files without having their contact details. In order to avoid a similar experience to these women, switch your iPhone AirDrop settings to 'Receiving off' or 'Contacts only', rather than 'Everyone'.

It's not just unassuming women who are being targeted by creepy guys' genitals as they go about their days with one male victim recalling his experience to the Post. Frankie Navisch, 35, was getting off the subway at Penn Station in New York when he received an invitation to open 'Eduardo’s picture' which contained a preview photo of a man's penis. “I wanted to punch him in the mouth for carelessly buckshotting genitalia to phones that could potentially be owned by children,” he fumed. “Was he looking for interaction, or is all he wanted was someone to look at his mini-monstrosity?”

Have you ever received anything untoward over AirDrop? Share your horror stories with us @soFeminineUK

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