Lareese Craig

All articles by: Lareese Craig

How Boho Can You Go? The Festival Fashion Rules You Have To Follow

Festival season is fast approaching which means it's time to get your free-spirited flower child on. Oh yeah. If you haven't the foggiest idea on what frocks to rock at Reading...

16 Things Your Mum Was Right About All Along

Remember the days when your mum could do no right and everything she did was met with eye-rolls and sarcasm? Don’t shave your arms, don't dye your hair, you’re too young for boyfr...

How To Wear Emma Watson's Orange Lip For Summer

Ever since Emma Watson and Keira Knightley stepped out with their hot tomato pouts, celebrities and trend setters alike have been embracing a modern take on the statement lip...

This Is The World's Toughest Job But Someone You Know Is Already Doing It

Unlimited hours a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, there's no breaks and it's all legal. You can eat your lunch but only when the associate is done eating their lunch. If...

Changing Room Rage: Why Trying On Clothes In The Shops Is The Worst

Girls have a love hate relationship with shopping. We love the clothes, hate the hassle. The queues, the mirrors, the judging staff - ugh. But there's one part of the process...

How To Fill In Your Brows Like A Boss: Easy Eyebrow Tutorial

Unfortunately not all of us have been blessed with bad ass brows a la Cara Delevingne which is why we're forever grateful for make-up. Armed with your beauty arsenal and the right...

Do You Speak Fashion? 24 Buzzwords Only Fashion People Understand

Fashion speak - know it and they'll be crying out to give you front row seats but if Fendi and finales leave you tongue-tied, forget it, join the back of the queue. If you can...

25 Unnecessary Essentials We Have In Our Handbags

How much of the stuff that’s floating around in your favourite tote do you actually need? All of it? Half that and then half it again. Us girls are seriously guilty of Mary Poppins...

Sensu's Smile Makeover! The Ultimate Teeth Whitening Treatment

Nothing gives you confidence quite like a dazzling white smile but often the idea of having super sensitive teeth puts you off. Big time. The SENSU cosmetic dentistry clinic knows...

The Fashion Mistakes You've Got To Stop Making

When it comes to committing fashion crimes we're all guilty as charged, unless you're Rosie Huntington-Whiteley of course. It's near on impossible to get it right all of the time...

The Ultimate Non-surgical Face Lift Celebs Are Loving

Plastic surgery isnt for everyone so what if there was a non-surgical option that combats the signs of ageing without a single injection? Sounds promising right? With celebs from...

Fur-Free Designers: The Fashion Moguls With A Heart

From London to New York, AW14 saw an army of fashion designers parading fur down the catwalks in their much lauded collections, including Tom Ford (a self-confessed animal lover...

Pantry Pampering! 40 DIY Beauty Tricks You Can Steal From Your Kitchen

With hundreds of prettifying products on the market there's no excuse for neglecting your beauty regime, but sometimes it's the bare necessities that give the best results. Open...

How To Take The Perfect No Makeup Selfie

Makeup-free pics of mascara-less eyes peeping out from under duvets and dressing gown shots over breakfast are filling our Instagram feeds, and we're totally here for it, because...

Pucker Up! How To Do A Red Lip Like Angelina Jolie

A red lip is like the bad boy of the makeup world. No matter how many shades you get through, you always come back for more. Perfect for channelling the drama, brightening up...

'The Only Time A Woman Has A True Orgasm Is When She's Shopping' 20 LOL Funny Fashion Quotes

Fashion gets a hard time for being all business and no banter but when the show is over and Karl Lagerfeld starts talking sweatpants you're talking pure entertainment. Inspirational...

Cameron Diaz Speaks Out About Ageing And Gets It SO Right

From where we're standing Cameron Diaz seems to get better and better with age, so what's her secret? After trying out Botox and hating the results, she's done with obsessing...

Prep and Prime! How To Create A Flawless Face Base For Makeup

We're all guilty of skipping our face base for an extra five minutes in bed but if you put in the prime time your skin will seriously thank you for it. Prepping your pores for...

The No Makeup Look That Turns Heads Everytime

With all the gorgeous red lip looks out there it's tempting to colour yourself beautiful but natural makeup can make just as much of a statement as any fiery pout or smokey eye...

How To Highlight Your Way To Dewy Skin

If winter's had its wicked way with your dull, lacklustre pores then a lesson in highlighting might be just the trick to revive your skin. We're calling time on our tired complexions...